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Bach Original Flower Remedies Willow 20ml

Bach Original Flower Remedies Willow 20ml

Regular price $39.20 AUD
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Keywords: Self-pity; Resentment.

Willow is for resentment, self-pity and bitterness. Most people feel more or less put-upon at times; this remedy helps to neutralize resentment and regain a sense of humour and proportion. It's also for feelings of being short-changed by life – ‘I don’t deserve this. Why should it happen to me?’ The person in the negative Willow state begrudges other people’s good luck, health, happiness and success. They may be grumbling, sulky and irritable. These people make difficult patients when ill, since they are never pleased or satisfied, preferring to see themselves as victims and reluctant to admit to any improvement. Constantly maintaining resentment can affect one’s overall vitality and lead to poor general health.

Bach Flower Remedies

Created by a Harley Street doctor in the 1930's, the Bach Flower Remedies are 38 plant and flower based remedies that can help you manage the emotional demands of everyday life. Each remedy aids a specific emotion. You can take them individually or mix them together to match the way you feel.

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